Thursday, 29 April 2010

Collections I – Bronze Animals

IMG_4812 IMG_4813 IMG_4815 IMG_4816 IMG_4817 IMG_4819  IMG_4834


IMG_4827 IMG_4828  IMG_4830 IMG_4831IMG_4832IMG_4836  IMG_4833  IMG_4835  IMG_4839 IMG_4829IMG_4841IMG_4840 

Yes, they are all in the same house (that’s right, a house, where people live, not a museum) and no, they’re not the only ones, but I had to make a selection, otherwise it would have taken ages to photograph and insert all of them into this post!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

The Way Home


The beautiful tree smiled at me…IMG_3896IMG_3897

The old crosses in the churchyard enjoy the spring sun tooIMG_3899

On the busIMG_3904IMG_3921

Camouflage car trying to look inconspicuous in the city…IMG_3906

…and failing,IMG_3907although the roads in the city do look worse than those outside it…



IMG_3912The traffic might be bad…

…but true entrepreneurs IMG_3910seize every opportunity to convince potential customers! 









And then there are those who wait…




…when everybody hurries home.IMG_3918

Monday, 19 April 2010

Friday, 16 April 2010

Morning Coffee in the Office

My colleague is using the espresso machine for the first time since we bought it (1 month!) He’s been boiling water in the electric kettle and making instant coffee ever since, for some uncomprehendable reason!IMG_3878  IMG_3879




Someone’s having their first cigarette of the day… on the balcony…
